Does Flaxseed Oil Increase Estrogen?
There are many drugs and supplements on the market that claim to boost fertility, improve libido, and other benefits. One such supplement is flaxseed oil. But do you really know what flaxseed can do for your body? Check out this article to find out if flaxseed is actually the answer to your prayers! Flaxseeds come from the plant Erythrina herbacea, which grows primarily in the western hemisphere. It is related to the sunflower plant but does not produce oil like that which can be used for cooking or other purposes. The Flaxseed Oil found in grocery stores are actually the seeds of the stalk of these plants. The seeds are one of the main parts use to make flaxseed oil. Flaxseed can be found in many forms, including whole flaxseeds and ground flaxseed. What is Flaxseed Oil? Not all seeds are create equal. Flaxseed, for example, is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which have been sho wn to reduce the risk of heart disease. However, it's important to note that not all flaxseed is create e